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Arcs Olympique, à Poulies, Traditionnels - Arbalètes

 Tirs Cible & Chasse - Loisir & Compétition 

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    Ce produit est présent dans : DVD/LIBRAIRIE Vidéothèque

    Fred Bear Field Note

    Marque : BEAR
    Prix :    45,00 € T.T.C.
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    Fred Bear is a legendary figure in archery and bowhunting history and these are the hunts of Fred Bear, written in his own words. This is your chance to share a campfire with Fred Bear, to hunt elephant in Africa, moose in Alaska, tiger in India, and much more. Relive the bowhunting journeys of one of the most beloved bowhunters of all time, Fred Bear. Reading the daily diary entries give you a true feel for the measure of a man. Get up close and personal with Fred Bear, get your copy today.

    288 pages, 100 photos. A paperback classic.

    Written by Fred Bear
    Elephant, moose, tiger and more
    Daily diary entries
    288 pages, 100 photos, and paperback
    Notes et avis des clients